Monday, December 10, 2012

The Guy In The Car Who Shouted At Me On The Street 5 Mins Ago

Jesus, thank you for this opportunity to pray for the guy in the car who shouted at me about 5 mins ago, probably to intimidate me and vent his frustration and repressed anger at someone, and I was the target unfortunately, (or fortunately).

Lord I wasn't angry.

I've heard enough stories and read enough books to know about this kind of behaviour in a person that if someone does anything to anyone, there's a reason or reasons for it.

And I choose to pray for him instead.

I could choose to think that he's an inferior and pitiable person and I could throw insults at him inside my head.

But I choose not to do that. Not at all.

I could think that there must be a defect or fault in me that caused him to throw insults at me. But I choose not to think like that at all either.

Lord, I pray for his soul. I pray that his personal problems will solved or his relationship problems would be resolved by Your grace.

I take pity on him not the pity that makes me superior to him but rather the pity that I choose to feel, because in some ways or in some circumstances, I have probably been in his place.

Yes, there's no denying that his behaviour was at fault.

In that respect, his behaviour is not acceptable.

I still do not accept his behaviour.

But I choose to accept him.

I accept him as a person.

A person who is sick, and in need of a physician.

Not any physician, but the Great Physician.

Even You, Lord Jesus!

The Doctor of our souls.

Matthew 5:39

Jesus heal him please, just as You have healed me.

In Your name, I pray. Amen.

Thank you for listening to my petition and prayer.


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